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BloomSixteen x Liv Magazine's Women of Wellness...
On June 5, the Women of Wellness 2023 Awards were held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Hong Kong, hosted by Liv Magazine. The event celebrated the outstanding women who shape...
BloomSixteen x Liv Magazine's Women of Wellness...
On June 5, the Women of Wellness 2023 Awards were held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Hong Kong, hosted by Liv Magazine. The event celebrated the outstanding women who shape...
“BloomSixteen x Women’s Lacrosse Team Double Ha...
BloomSixteen was glad to have the ‘Double Happiness’ event at the Landmark Harvey Nichols on 18 January 2023. The event celebrates two special occasions; the approaching Chinese New Year celebration...
“BloomSixteen x Women’s Lacrosse Team Double Ha...
BloomSixteen was glad to have the ‘Double Happiness’ event at the Landmark Harvey Nichols on 18 January 2023. The event celebrates two special occasions; the approaching Chinese New Year celebration...
【美容】BloomSixteen注入德國科技 溫和療愈肌膚
來源:香港商報副刊 記者日前參加了一個護膚品牌的發布會,品牌的名字叫BloomSixteen(中文名:十六蕊),意指二八芳華、青春綻放。不僅是女性,男士何嘗不希望自己的皮膚永遠停留在16嵗?這個走中性路線的品牌裝潢非常簡約,產品純淨溫和,適用於各種膚質,不但通過歐洲標準,部分德國製造的產品更具有高端科技專利技術的MicroSilver BG™(微米銀),Hyadisine Marine(海洋補濕鎖水因子)和TRYLAGEN(活性肽和蛋白質的組合物)的高效配方,並加入豐富的維生素及天然成份等元素。品牌另引入了美容界摩洛哥堅果油,讓用家享受簡單易用的護膚產品。 全線產品均通過臨床驗證,成份溫和,有效為肌膚、身、心、靈,以及環境提供安全的療愈效果。針對女性美膚,筆者要特別推薦的是純正有機頂級摩洛哥堅果油,這是護膚界中的「油中黃金」,是摩洛哥女性千百年來的美麗秘密。BloomSixteen純正有機頂級摩洛哥堅果油經冷壓提煉以保留最珍貴的營養。其功效可加強保護、修復及煥發肌膚,讓肌膚回復天然光澤,並有助減低自由基的傷害。蘊含豐富的不飽和脂肪酸(Omega-6及Omega-9)、植物固醇,層層鎖住肌膚水分達到全天候保濕潤澤,深層補水和滋養肌膚,有助於消除細紋和皺紋,收緊和緊緻肌膚紋理,減少斑點和色素沉著。堅果油輕盈不油膩,不堵塞毛孔,2-3滴就可以讓整張臉變得滋潤,有助於平衡和中和油脂分泌水平,可促進肌膚光滑、發揮鎮靜效用。只要將2至3滴純摩洛哥堅果油滴在手掌上,然後輕輕塗抹在潔淨的皮膚上。馬上換季,每天早晚使用,補充水分,有意想不到的效果。(文、圖:Shirley) BloomSixteen純正有機頂級摩洛哥堅果油,HK$599/30ml,鎖水功能奇高。
【美容】BloomSixteen注入德國科技 溫和療愈肌膚
來源:香港商報副刊 記者日前參加了一個護膚品牌的發布會,品牌的名字叫BloomSixteen(中文名:十六蕊),意指二八芳華、青春綻放。不僅是女性,男士何嘗不希望自己的皮膚永遠停留在16嵗?這個走中性路線的品牌裝潢非常簡約,產品純淨溫和,適用於各種膚質,不但通過歐洲標準,部分德國製造的產品更具有高端科技專利技術的MicroSilver BG™(微米銀),Hyadisine Marine(海洋補濕鎖水因子)和TRYLAGEN(活性肽和蛋白質的組合物)的高效配方,並加入豐富的維生素及天然成份等元素。品牌另引入了美容界摩洛哥堅果油,讓用家享受簡單易用的護膚產品。 全線產品均通過臨床驗證,成份溫和,有效為肌膚、身、心、靈,以及環境提供安全的療愈效果。針對女性美膚,筆者要特別推薦的是純正有機頂級摩洛哥堅果油,這是護膚界中的「油中黃金」,是摩洛哥女性千百年來的美麗秘密。BloomSixteen純正有機頂級摩洛哥堅果油經冷壓提煉以保留最珍貴的營養。其功效可加強保護、修復及煥發肌膚,讓肌膚回復天然光澤,並有助減低自由基的傷害。蘊含豐富的不飽和脂肪酸(Omega-6及Omega-9)、植物固醇,層層鎖住肌膚水分達到全天候保濕潤澤,深層補水和滋養肌膚,有助於消除細紋和皺紋,收緊和緊緻肌膚紋理,減少斑點和色素沉著。堅果油輕盈不油膩,不堵塞毛孔,2-3滴就可以讓整張臉變得滋潤,有助於平衡和中和油脂分泌水平,可促進肌膚光滑、發揮鎮靜效用。只要將2至3滴純摩洛哥堅果油滴在手掌上,然後輕輕塗抹在潔淨的皮膚上。馬上換季,每天早晚使用,補充水分,有意想不到的效果。(文、圖:Shirley) BloomSixteen純正有機頂級摩洛哥堅果油,HK$599/30ml,鎖水功能奇高。
BloomSixteen Exclusive Pre-launch Event at Harv...
BloomSixteen was glad to have an Exclusive Product Pre-launch event at Harvey Nichols at The Landmark Central yesterday. We would like to extend our thanks to all media and guests for attending...
BloomSixteen Exclusive Pre-launch Event at Harv...
BloomSixteen was glad to have an Exclusive Product Pre-launch event at Harvey Nichols at The Landmark Central yesterday. We would like to extend our thanks to all media and guests for attending...
SingTao Daily - New Brand Introudction - Pure ...
Our thanks to Sing Tao Daily for introducing BloomSixteen's Pure Argan Oil to its readers. Pure argan oil provides a good source of essential fatty acids (Omega 6 and Omega...
SingTao Daily - New Brand Introudction - Pure ...
Our thanks to Sing Tao Daily for introducing BloomSixteen's Pure Argan Oil to its readers. Pure argan oil provides a good source of essential fatty acids (Omega 6 and Omega...
ELLE HK – The Mindful Choice – BloomSixteen’s P...
Our thanks to ELLE HK for introducing BloomSixteen's Pure Argan Oil to its readers as the mindful choice to connect the skincare process to the Body, Mind and Soul. BloomSixteen's Pure Argan...
ELLE HK – The Mindful Choice – BloomSixteen’s P...
Our thanks to ELLE HK for introducing BloomSixteen's Pure Argan Oil to its readers as the mindful choice to connect the skincare process to the Body, Mind and Soul. BloomSixteen's Pure Argan...